If you are a current or established patient of Dr. Seddig’s, you can contact her by:
- 415-921-2123 to leave a voice mail
- drseddig@aurumalchemy.com
Dr. Seddig requests that emails be reserved for:
- Scheduling appointments
- Requesting pharmacy refills
- Test kit performing questions
- Basic ( Yes/ No ) diet questions
If the content of your email exceeds this, or you want to ask a medical question/ provide a medical update, Dr Seddig requests you schedule an appointment so she can provide competent medical care.
- Please note that emails and calls will be answered within 48 business hours.
- If you are experiencing a medical emergency, then call 911 or proceed to the closest emergency room or urgent care facility.
- Refills/ Pickups– Pharmacy items that you are not getting on your own can be picked up Monday- Friday from the waiting room during regular business hours, once you have made pickup arrangements with us . Test kit pickups are the same.
- Refill drawer is labelled “Refills” and is part of the wooden table located in the waiting room.